Complete DJ Entertainment Systems

Basic DJ System
Full range DJ sound system / music selection to include classical, Mexican, big band, blues, 1950's-2010's, top 40, slow, rock, country, R&B, line dances / we take requests prior to dance and at dance / ground supported truss lighting system includes colored lights for dance floor lighting.
Starting at $495

Dance Party System
Basic system plus moving light system / 4-play LED lights / super strobe effect / ground fog machine / mirror ball / black lights / helicopter beacon / air fog machine/ bubble effect / laser effect / karaoke.
Starting at $1450

Client's Choice System
Basic DJ system rate plus customer's choice of special effects:
moving light system $150.00, 4-lay LED lights $90.00, super strobe effect $35.00,
ground fog machine $125.00, mirror ball $45.00, black lights $70.00
helicopter beacon $45.00, air fog $55.00, bubble effect $40.00,laser effect $90.00,
karaoke $195.00
Starting at $495 plus Special Effects

DIY DJ Sound and Lighting System
No DJ or Music provided / labor can include setup & tear down.
Sound only $250.00. Sound and lighting system $350.00.
Starting at $250
Event / Band Sound Systems
Event / Band Sound Systems with Show Labor
A complete sound system with an operator. A broad range of sound equipment is available for your next event. We can provide sound systems for audiences from 10 to 10,000. Our sound systems can come complete with setup, operation and tear down.
Starting at $495

Event / Band Sound Systems without Show Labor
A complete sound system without an operator. A broad range of sound equipment is available for your next event. We can provide sound systems for audiences from 10 to 10,000. Our sound systems can come complete with setup and tear down.
Starting at $250
Event / Band Lighting Systems
Movie / Image Projection Systems

Movie / Image Projection Systems
Complete system includes projection screen, presentation player, camera, image projector, sound system, all cables and processing equipment. Our projector systems come complete with setup, operation and tear down.
Starting at $625
Recording Systems

Recording Systems
All labor and equipment for sound or visual recording of event / duplication services available.
Starting at $495
Staging Systems

Staging Systems
Wenger stage - 4'X8' / stage height - variable / skirting and steps included / carpet available. Our staging systems come complete with setup, operation and tear down.
Starting at $68
Event Direction, Labor, Consultation

Event Direction, Labor, Consultation
Includes projects of any kind in the entertainment industry such as festivals, conventions, concerts, parties and film. Flat fees available based on event.
Starting at $75
Individual Rental Items

A/V Equipment & Screens
A/V Cart 4'................................$50
Compact Disc Player...............$40
Laser Pointer...........................$25
LCD Multimedia Projector...$150
Over Head Projector...............$40
Projection Screen 6’................$45
Projection Screen 8'................$65
Projection Screen, 9x12.......$125
Slide Projector.........................$40
Television 50" Flat Screen ...$150
Wireless Slide Projector
Changer ..............................$30

Catering Equipment
Bar Unit....................................$85
Beverage Container -
5 Gallon - Cold Fluid..........$15
Beverage Dispenser -
3 Gallon...............................$15
Beverage Fountain
3 - 5 Gallon.........................$55
Chafing Dish With Pans
And Two Sterno.................$28
Coffee Pot - Electric,
30 Cup.................................$30
Grill, 8 Burner,Propane........$175
Hot Dog Steamer....................$45
Ice Chest / Coolers
Extra Large.........................$25
Pop Corn Machine..................$55
Snow Ball Machine.................$45
Trash Can - 45 Gallon
With Plastic Liners.............$15

Catering Expendables
Chocolate 2 pounds...............$30
Popcorn, all in one
packet................................... $2
Popcorn bag...........................$.05
Snow Ball Cup .......................$.05
Snow Ball Juice gallon
with pump..........................$20

Electric Cable
Cables 10'-100'
Generator - 5600watt ............$90

Follow Spots
Long Throw Marc 350..........$150
Short Throw 1500watt...........$55

Light Instruments / Uplights
Chandelier kit with hanging
Fresnel Classic Antique..........$25
LEKO 1000watt........................$25
PAR 36 Rain Light ...................$18
PAR 38 100watt.......................$18
PAR 64 1000watt / Uplight.....$25
Safety Lighting Stand
with two lights..................$150
Scoops 500watt / Uplight.......$25
String Lights LED......Call for Rate

Microphones and Stands
Microphone with
XLR Cable, Clip....................$20
Microphone Boom Arm............$5
Microphone Stand ...............$10
Wireless Microphone -
hand or lapel .....................$60

Party Games, Inflatables and Airbrush Face Painting
Airbrush Face
Painting System...Call for Rate
Bingo Game Set ……................$18
Moon bounce (delivery
Speed Ball Game (delivery

Floor Standing Podium..........$40

Rigging Equipment
Aluminum Tripod Stand
pair 9' tall 100lb.................$28
Crank Up Tripod Stand -
pair 18' tall 250lb...............$60

Special Effects
12" Mirror Ball -
motor, rain light..................... $45
4-Play LED Light......................$45
Balloon Drop ............Call for Rate
Black Light (2 - 48” tubes)......$35
Bubble Machine -
includes fluid......................$40
Fog Machine Dry Ice -
dry ice not included...........$40
Fog Machine Air -
fluid and remote................$55
Helicopter Beacon - 4 head...$45
Moving Light ……………………....$75
Mushroom Light ………………...$45
Scorpion Laser Effect..............$45
Super Strobe -
rate, dim adjust..................$35

Tables, Linens, Chairs, Flooring, Pipe & Drape
Black Chain
per running foot...............$.50
Carpet.......................Call for Rate
Chair, Comfortable
Chair, All White....................$2.95
Clothes Rack...........................$15
Pipe & Drape............Call for Rate
Tables – 6' banquet,
8' banquet, 60" round,
30” bistro .......................$10.75
Table Linen - banquet or
54”, 72" square..............$11.95
Table Linen –
runner 8" X 110" ……..........$3
Table Linen – 90” round
(chair seat height).........$11.95
Table Linen - 108" round...$15.75
Table Linen – 120” round
(table drape to the floor
Table Linen – 132” round
(table drape to the floor
72” round)......................$22.50
Table Linen – 6’ banquet
(table drape to the
Table Linen – 8’ banquet
(table drape to the
Table Napkins per 10 ........$10.00
Table Skirts...............Call for Rate
Wood Dance Floor –
4’x4’, ramp edging .......$26.75

Tents Heating & Cooling
10X10 ..................................$175
10X20 ……………………………….$300
20X20 ..................................$300
Vinyl tent walls - white,
priced per running foot.......CALL
Tent heater 170,000 BTU
with propane ……...............…$475

Wedding Decorations
Arch way..................................$55
Balloon inflator –
Candelabra brass,
heart shape................$50/pair
Candelabra lighter..................$15
Candelabra no drip
Candelabra white...........$55/pair
Columns white 2’ or 4’............$15
Pewabras ...................... $30/pair